BB second.
Balance Beam awards are hereby presented to.....
Catalina Ponor for originality, difficulty, killer execution, and a gigantacus variety of skills. She remains the only one to connect 5 skills: Onodi, Aerial, Kochetkova, BFF, Layout. She is the record holder for highest BB score with a 16.700 (7.0/9.7). She is the 2004 Olympic Champion.
Tatiana Lyssenko for always displaying supreme control of the beam. She loves the beam "because it obeys me,". She is the 1992 Olympic Champion.
Anna Pavlova for beautiful, beautiful, times ten beam work. Simply stunning.
Anastasia Liukin for perfect execution and a wonderful variety of skills, and to cap it off, a stellar 2.5/Triple Twist dismount.
Shawn Johnson for Simply. Best. difficulty. ever. Not necessarily best execution, but a wobble is rare times ten for Shawn.
Olessia Dudnik for simply the best skills I have ever seen in my entire life, including my favorite combination: Free Aerial Cartwheel, Layout Stepout, Layout Stepout.
New Blog
12 years ago
Oan Ban for her control, tumbling, and difficulty. When is the last time you saw a gymnast nail a handspring handspring layout full? Or stick a gainer handspring handpring double-back dismount? She is what Romanian Gymnastics is, on beam. She lands every skill with ease. I Love Oana!