Friday, August 21, 2009

Make It Or Break It Spoiler

I know I haven't blogged in AGES. And I apologize. I really am sorry.
BUT I have some spoiling to do. In the season finale of Make It Or Break It (ep. #10), Payson falls. Off bars. On her Full In Dismount.

Here's how I figured that out:

1. Payson does a full-in.
(Well so does Emily! You might think)
2. In the ABC preview, it was a blonde who fell.
(Well, Lauren's a blonde!)
3. When you're watching an ABC show, a little bar comes up, right? That showed Lauren, Kaylie, and Emily standing watching something. Then at one point their faces fell and they grabbed hands. Yup. They did that when Payson fell. :(

Anyways enjoy :)
(Well, WHAT!? Proof enough.)